在美国的牙科诊所里,有一个专门的岗位叫做Dental Treatment Coordinator(简称TCO),直译过来就是“牙科治疗协调师”。我这里翻译成“牙科洽谈师”,是因为我发现TCO的工作职责和洽谈师基本是一致的。不仅美国有TCO,英国也有,很多欧洲国家也有,甚至日本也有TCO,叫做“齿科TC”,他们还有齿科TC协会(该协会网站是www.tcj.or.jp)。韩国的牙科和整形医院里的洽谈师也非常之多。在这些国家的牙科行业,也都有相应的TCO洽谈师培训课程。 为了帮助大家更清晰的看到牙科洽谈师未来的发展趋势,我将翻译编写一系列的国外牙科洽谈师文章,发表在我的洽谈博客里。 以下是一位美国牙科资深管理顾问发表的关于TCO的文章。我的英文水平有限,译文必有疏漏之处,请大家多指点。
What is a Treatment Coordinator? 美国的牙科洽谈师在做什么?(中外TCO交流系列01) (作者:Anita Jupp, 译者:周广原)
In a 'nutshell' a Treatment Coordinator is someone in the practice who is available to spend time with the patients to answer questions related to treatment and fees. Someone who is responsible to ensure that patients leave well informed, with all their questions answered about treatment options, with alternatives and fees introduced.
Do You Need A Treatment Coordinator?
If you are just doing basic maintenance/restorative dentistry, then you will not utilize a Treatment Coordinator. If you are offering patients not just the maintenance dental care they need, but also introducing more aesthetic and elective dental options, then you could benefit from introducing a Treatment Coordinator into your practice.
你需要牙科洽谈师吗? 如果你的诊所仅作口内或修复,那么你将无法充分发挥一个洽谈师的价值。如果你的诊所给患者提供的不仅仅是口内治疗,同时还有更多的美学修复、种植等可选项目,那么设置牙科洽谈师的岗位将使你的诊所大大受益。
Most dental practices today are very busy and often the entire team feel like they need more time to talk to patients about their dental care. Many dental professionals complain that there is no time to follow up with treatment pending and/or incomplete. This of course is so important for case acceptance and patient relations. The duties of a Treatment Coordinator can vary depending on the size of the practice and what duties are delegated to other team members. I would say that 90% of the time this can be considered is a full time position.
现在大多数牙科诊所都很忙,整个团队经常感觉需要更多时间和患者沟通他们的病情。许多牙医都抱怨,没有足够的时间去跟进那些未完成和还没做的治疗。当然,让患者接受方案和保持医患关系也非常重要。洽谈师的职责与每个诊所的大小,以及诊所内其他成员的职责设置有关。 我想,90%的情况下,洽谈师都应该设置为一个全职岗位。
What Does A 'Treatment Coordinator' Do?
The duties would include:
· New Patient interviews/patient relations. · Educating and discussing the dentist's treatment plan, after the dentist has diagnosed and reviewed the treatment with a patient. · Discussing dental benefits when applicable. Sending pre-estimates and following up with patients. · Presenting fees and giving estimates of treatment. · Documenting financial arrangements/commitments to pay. · Implementing financial policies. · Educating patients about veneers, implants, crowns, bridges, Ortho, Perio and any other treatment that was diagnosed by the dentist. · Tracking and calling patients with treatment incomplete. · Sending follow-up letters. · Utilizing technology in the office, e.g. digital photos, intra oral camera photos when educating patients and discussing treatment. · Dealing with difficult patients and doing public relation calls to patients · Monitoring treatment plans and case acceptance. · Monitoring production and collections
牙科洽谈师要做什么? 职责包括: 1、接待新患者和保持医患关系。 2、在牙医诊断并做出治疗方案之后,洽谈师向患者解释这个方案。 3、和患者讨论该方案的好处,并跟进患者。 4、向患者介绍该方案的费用和治疗评估。 5、实施医疗保险政策。 6、向患者普及介绍各种贴面、种植、冠、桥、正畸、牙周、正畸等与牙医诊断相关的治疗项目。 7、打电话跟进未完成治疗的患者,及还有潜在需求未治疗的患者 8、发送跟进邮件。 9、使用数码相片、内窥镜等工具,向患者普及牙科治疗常识和讨论各项治疗。 10、打消患者的顾虑和处理矛盾,并和患者保持电话随访。 11、检查治疗方案,提高患者对治疗方案的接受率。 12、监督方案的顺利执行和收款。
These duties do of course vary with each practice. It is important that this person must be a team player, possess excellent organizational skills, advanced communication skills, clinical knowledge and be confident when presenting treatment. The dentist must trust this person to give patients correct information, in an enthusiastic way.
Does A Treatment Coordinator Work At The Front Desk?
The ideal situation is for the Treatment Coordinator to have access to an office where the fees and treatment can be discussed in private without interruption; taking as much time as is needed to answer all patient questions. The Treatment Coordinator will need a computer, a phone, fax, e-mail and visual tools such as models, power point presentations and photos from the patients' data base of before and after treatments etc... You can be very creative and make this an amazing opportunity for the right person.
牙科洽谈师要在前台工作吗? 理想的环境是在办公室里,以便洽谈师在介绍费用和治疗方案时没有任何打扰,而且也可以有足够的时间解答患者的所有问题。洽谈师需要一个电脑、传真机、电子邮箱和各种可视化工具,如:模型、PPT、患者术前术后的照片等等...牙科诊所可根据情况,为洽谈师创造最利于其发挥的条件。
1. You will find that patients will refer more new patients to your practice as a result, because they will enjoy the attention they receive and will leave well informed.
2. There will be less stress when the entire team knows that there is someone who they can direct their patients to for an estimate and to discuss fees.
3. Your case acceptance will also increase when patients, learn more about the advantages of the treatment.
4. Your schedule will be more productive and less stressed. Case acceptance will also improve when there are longer appointments scheduled.
好处 1、你会发现,有了洽谈师以后,患者越来越愿意推荐新患者了。因为他们很享受被给予的关心和详尽的知情权。 2、整个团队的压力会减小,因为大家知道,他们有一位洽谈师可以去指导患者了解和讨论治疗方案和费用了。 3、当患者了解越多自己治疗方案的优势时,患者对方案的接受率也会大大提高。 4、诊所的预约时间表也会排的更满,压力也会更小。当患者的预约就诊时间越长的时候,对方案的接受程度也变得更好。
Causes Of Lost Revenue
· When dental practices are understaffed there is no time to educate patients; the result is lost revenue. · When there is no time to answer patients' questions, they will likely not accept the treatment; which results in lost revenue. · When there is no time to document fees, then collecting them becomes difficult; which results in lost revenue. · When no one has the time to follow up with estimates and incomplete treatment; the result is lost revenue. If you are planning on taking your practice to the next level of success, can you really afford not to have a Treatment Coordinator?
收入减少的原因 1、当牙科诊所人手不足时,就没有时间来向患者普及牙科治疗常识,结果就是收入减少。 2、如果没有时间解答患者的问题,他们就不可能接受治疗方案,这也会导致收入减少。 3、如果没有时间陈述治疗费用,那么让患者交款也会变得很难,这也会导致收入减少。 4、如果没有人专门去跟进未完成的治疗方案,结果就是收入减少。
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